twinkle, twinkle, little star
The audience cheered and applauded. They could hear the buzz as they guessed sitting in their shared make-up room - whom the audience exactly was going nuts about - the characters of the play, themselves - the actors or...
To ease up the tension of the first night his stage-partner brought “something special” for before coming to the stage, so they actually indulged in a couple of glasses.
It all went smooth enough at first, taking into account, they were quite an attuned couple, they made it quite easily to the last lines, but when it practically was all over, he felt suddenly, the drink they shared before coming to the stage, started to effect his mind in a strange manner. His vision became blurred and he should concentrate on hearing the voice of his co-actor.
When his stage-partner, staring at him in utmost surprise and admiration delivered his line – I’m absolutely clueless to how you have come to solve this mystery! - he surely intended to answer in a proper manner, but instead of his character’s usual - It's elementary, my dear! - he heard himself saying - It's fascinating, J... - he silenced himself in confusion and tried to correct - I mean, it's quiet elementary, Doctor Ma... - and again he found himself stumbling over the line. His partner was eyeing him in utter horror and he could clearly hear some excited giggles from the first row. He cursed under his breath. What the hell was going on here?
Somehow they made it through the very last lines and retreated to the make-up room. He dropped onto the sofa.
- What the hell was that?! – he burst out loud nervously. – Am I loosing my mind? Or whose mind is it anyway? I’m not sure of it anymore. What? – he snapped at the man, blushing across the room near the make-up table, playing with a piece of paper.
- Uhmm… - the other started. – I’m awfully sorry, I don’t know how to put this… Well, uhmm… you see… this drink… - the sitting man’s eyes narrowed maliciously. – What about it? – Well, I just discovered the note… which was enclosed with the bottle… well – he sighed resolutely – it says – Break the leg! And have a nice drink AFTER the performance – this one is added a bit of absinth for you, guys, to properly relax. It’s my special receipt! Hope you enjoy it, yours truly, De.
Leonard started to rise from the sofa. – Well, THANK YOU, Bill! At least this proves you CAN read at all!
Shatner started to take small steps to the door, but fortunately for him, his stout body was far more adopted for alcohol, then his slender friend’s. Before he could catch him, Leonard collapsed on the sofa and was fast asleep.
Bill tip-toed to the man and smiled over his still grave face. – Sleep well, Leonard, – he whispered. – And congrats with the first night, Mr. Holmes!
PS Абсолютно не правленный -) Вдохновленный тем, что я сегодня узнала от Регис, что Ленард играл Холмса в спектакле. И вот я подумала, а что если Ватсона играл бы один небезызвестный Билл. А дальше мысль моя удрейфовала как Энтерпрайз на холостом ходу
В общем, получилось то, что получилось.
To ease up the tension of the first night his stage-partner brought “something special” for before coming to the stage, so they actually indulged in a couple of glasses.
It all went smooth enough at first, taking into account, they were quite an attuned couple, they made it quite easily to the last lines, but when it practically was all over, he felt suddenly, the drink they shared before coming to the stage, started to effect his mind in a strange manner. His vision became blurred and he should concentrate on hearing the voice of his co-actor.
When his stage-partner, staring at him in utmost surprise and admiration delivered his line – I’m absolutely clueless to how you have come to solve this mystery! - he surely intended to answer in a proper manner, but instead of his character’s usual - It's elementary, my dear! - he heard himself saying - It's fascinating, J... - he silenced himself in confusion and tried to correct - I mean, it's quiet elementary, Doctor Ma... - and again he found himself stumbling over the line. His partner was eyeing him in utter horror and he could clearly hear some excited giggles from the first row. He cursed under his breath. What the hell was going on here?
Somehow they made it through the very last lines and retreated to the make-up room. He dropped onto the sofa.
- What the hell was that?! – he burst out loud nervously. – Am I loosing my mind? Or whose mind is it anyway? I’m not sure of it anymore. What? – he snapped at the man, blushing across the room near the make-up table, playing with a piece of paper.
- Uhmm… - the other started. – I’m awfully sorry, I don’t know how to put this… Well, uhmm… you see… this drink… - the sitting man’s eyes narrowed maliciously. – What about it? – Well, I just discovered the note… which was enclosed with the bottle… well – he sighed resolutely – it says – Break the leg! And have a nice drink AFTER the performance – this one is added a bit of absinth for you, guys, to properly relax. It’s my special receipt! Hope you enjoy it, yours truly, De.
Leonard started to rise from the sofa. – Well, THANK YOU, Bill! At least this proves you CAN read at all!
Shatner started to take small steps to the door, but fortunately for him, his stout body was far more adopted for alcohol, then his slender friend’s. Before he could catch him, Leonard collapsed on the sofa and was fast asleep.
Bill tip-toed to the man and smiled over his still grave face. – Sleep well, Leonard, – he whispered. – And congrats with the first night, Mr. Holmes!
PS Абсолютно не правленный -) Вдохновленный тем, что я сегодня узнала от Регис, что Ленард играл Холмса в спектакле. И вот я подумала, а что если Ватсона играл бы один небезызвестный Билл. А дальше мысль моя удрейфовала как Энтерпрайз на холостом ходу