twinkle, twinkle, little star
You were there for those reasons uncounted

To all trials by me you did stand

I was difficult, silent and stubborn

And I wish I could now reach your hand

I am glad you respect my decision

Although there was no decision to me

There were none left but old friends and children

And I could not let their deaths lay on me

I am hurt by your tears

But I see they must fall

I cannot take your sorrow away

But grieve not for my loss

For the choice was my own

And we must all face death in our own way

So farewell, my t’hy’la, my captain

Though I shall never be far from your side

I will remember and cherish the friendship

That I always found there in your eyes

08.06.2006 в 10:59

sara berry was a popular bitch
Вчера все пыталась записать его... :)
08.06.2006 в 11:00

Regis -) Люблю арии-ламенты -)
08.06.2006 в 11:02

sara berry was a popular bitch

Не представляешь, как мне понравилась эта песня когда-то... И слушала и слушала...

Я сразу стала везде копаться и искать еще ее песни.

Вот теперь вообще сижу и думаю, может и по неизветным мне фэндомам у Ван Дазен клипы качать. Те, что на песни Эклар.

10.06.2006 в 02:28

злой эмобой
О, классная песенка :)

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