twinkle, twinkle, little star
You scored as Komamura Sajin.
You're Komamura Sajin, Captain of the Seventh Division! Your friends are very important to you. In fact, if one of them becomes distant, you will definitely find out what's wrong and try to fix it. Despite this dedication to your friends, you might hide things from them, and from everyone in general, because you fear that you might be rejected for some aspect of who you really are.

Дарт Вейдер какой-то
Тест тута:
UPD Нда... сам я, оказывается, лис, а в лучших друзьях у меня какой-то слепой нигер -)
You're Komamura Sajin, Captain of the Seventh Division! Your friends are very important to you. In fact, if one of them becomes distant, you will definitely find out what's wrong and try to fix it. Despite this dedication to your friends, you might hide things from them, and from everyone in general, because you fear that you might be rejected for some aspect of who you really are.

Дарт Вейдер какой-то

Тест тута:
UPD Нда... сам я, оказывается, лис, а в лучших друзьях у меня какой-то слепой нигер -)
Да нет, он от природы такой. почему - пока не объясняли, но так как эта бодяга еще не скоро кончится, может, объяснят...
Да, в Японии.
Я поимею тебя в виду
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