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If you are a regular visitor to my blog you will know that recently, we have been developing a new leadership suite of programmes and this has led me to further investigate what I term ?Personality Types? and Merrill & Reid call ?Social Styles? in their excellent book ?Knowing About Social Styles?.
There are four personality types or social styles ? Analyticals, Drivers, Expressives and Amiables ? and all four have their own unique approach to business, their own language and thought processes etc. As a consequence, the very best sales professionals have become adept at recognising which personality they are dealing with and adapt their approach and communication style accordingly.
In every boardroom, you will always find three of the four personality types, occasionally, all four: I have discovered over the years which personality is likely to fill which position on the board but more on that later.
The Driver:
Let?s begin by looking at the characteristics of the Driver. Drivers are action and goal oriented, need to see results and have a quick reaction time. They are decisive, independent, disciplined, practical and efficient. They typically use facts and data, speak and act quickly, lean forward, point and make direct eye contact. Their body posture is often rigid and they have controlled facial expressions.
They rarely want to waste time on personal talk or preliminaries and can be perceived by other styles as dominating or harsh and severe in pursuit of a goal. They are comfortable in positions of power and control and they have businesslike offices with certificates and commendations on the wall. In times of stress, drivers may become autocratic.
The Analytical:
Analyticals are concerned with being organised, having all the facts and being careful before taking action. Their need is to be accurate, to be right. precise, orderly, methodical and conform to standard operating procedures, organisational rules and historical ways of doing things. They typically have a slow reaction time and work more slowly and carefully than Drivers. They are perceived as serious, industrious, persistent, and exacting.
Usually, they are task oriented, use facts and data, tend to speak slowly. lean back and use their hands frequently. They do not make direct eye contact and control their facial expressions. Others may see them as stuffy, indecisive, critical, picky and moralistic. They are comfortable in positions in which they can check facts and figures and be sure they are right. They have neat, well organised offices and in times of stress, Analyticals tend to avoid conflict.
The Expressive:
Expressives enjoy involvement, excitement, and interpersonal action. They are sociable, stimulating, enthusiastic and are good at involving and motivating others. They are also ideas oriented. have little concern for routine, are future oriented and usually they have a quick reaction time. They need to be accepted by others, tend to be spontaneous, outgoing, energetic, friendly and focused on people rather than on tasks. Typically, they use opinions and stories rather than facts and data. They speak and act quickly; vary vocal inflection, lean forward, point and make direct eye contact.
They use their hands when talking; have a relaxed body posture and an animated expression. Their feelings often show in their faces and they are perceived by others as excitable, impulsive, undisciplined, dramatic, manipulative, ambitious, overly reactive and egotistical. They usually have disorganised offices and may have leisure equipment like golf clubs or tennis racquets. Under stressful conditions, Expressives tend to resort to personal attack.
And Finally ? The Amiable:
Amiables need co-operation, personal security and acceptance. They are uncomfortable with and will avoid conflict at all costs. They value personal relationships, helping others and being liked. Some Amiables will sacrifice their own desires to win approval from others. They prefer to work with other people in a team effort, rather than individually and they have an unhurried reaction time and little concern with effecting change. Typically, they are friendly, supportive, respectful, willing, dependable and agreeable. They are also people-oriented.
They use opinions rather than facts and data, speak slowly and softly, use more vocal inflection than Drivers or Analyticals. They lean back while talking and do not make direct eye contact; they also have a casual posture and an animated expression. They are perceived by other styles as conforming, unsure, pliable, dependent and awkward. They have homely offices ? family photographs, plants etc. An Amiable?s reaction to stress is to comply with others.
Most people?s first reaction after reading the four profiles is to believe that they fit into more than one category and this is absolutely right. However, everyone has a dominant style and no-one should believe that they fit into more than two because they don?t. Let me explain why:
The Social Styles Model:
It is not possible to illustrate with a diagram here, so imagine two boxes on top of two other boxes or if you prefer, a window with four panes. In the top left is the Analytical, top right the Driver, directly below them in the bottom right hand corner is the Expressive. Finally, directly below the Analytical, sitting in the bottom left hand corner is the Amiable
Note where each style is placed, because this is important. The people, with whom you probably find it most difficult to relate to naturally, are your diagonal opposites on the matrix. So you do need to study the characteristics of your diagonally opposite Social Style.
Now, what I can share with you, is that the majority of professional salespeople are Expressives; so clearly, they are going to find it most difficult to relate to and communicate with, Analyticals. That is a challenge in itself, because there will always be at least one Analytical within the formal DMU!
What is even more interesting, is that Top 5% achievers (yes, a favourite term I know) are Drivers! So you see, they have no difficulty getting onto the same wavelength as Analyticals, because they are side by side and of course they have total synergy with other Drivers, plus, they relate well to Expressives. But, they have little in common with Amiables. Why is that so significant? Well, quite simply, the Social Style that you are least likely to find in a boardroom is??.. yes, it?s an Amiable.
So, which Social Style do the various residents of the boardroom typically have?
Managing Directors are typically Drivers, as you might expect.
Finance Directors are usually Analyticals
Sales Directors are nearly always Expressives
Marketing Directors are also Expressives
Technical Directors are almost always Analyticals
And Finally:In Sales
Level 3, Top 5% Achievers, are normally Drivers
Level 2, Sales Professionals, are typically Expressives
Level One, Emerging salesmen and women are almost always Amiables
It is of course dangerous to generalise and there will always be exceptions, however based on my experience, I have very rarely been mistaken using this concept of personality identification.
Copyright ? 2006 Jonathan Farrington. All rights reserved
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If you are a regular visitor to my blog you will know that recently, we have been developing a new leadership suite of programmes and this has led me to further investigate what I term ?Personality Types? and Merrill & Reid call ?Social Styles? in their excellent book ?Knowing About Social Styles?.
There are four personality types or social styles ? Analyticals, Drivers, Expressives and Amiables ? and all four have their own unique approach to business, their own language and thought processes etc. As a consequence, the very best sales professionals have become adept at recognising which personality they are dealing with and adapt their approach and communication style accordingly.
In every boardroom, you will always find three of the four personality types, occasionally, all four: I have discovered over the years which personality is likely to fill which position on the board but more on that later.
The Driver:
Let?s begin by looking at the characteristics of the Driver. Drivers are action and goal oriented, need to see results and have a quick reaction time. They are decisive, independent, disciplined, practical and efficient. They typically use facts and data, speak and act quickly, lean forward, point and make direct eye contact. Their body posture is often rigid and they have controlled facial expressions.
They rarely want to waste time on personal talk or preliminaries and can be perceived by other styles as dominating or harsh and severe in pursuit of a goal. They are comfortable in positions of power and control and they have businesslike offices with certificates and commendations on the wall. In times of stress, drivers may become autocratic.
The Analytical:
Analyticals are concerned with being organised, having all the facts and being careful before taking action. Their need is to be accurate, to be right. precise, orderly, methodical and conform to standard operating procedures, organisational rules and historical ways of doing things. They typically have a slow reaction time and work more slowly and carefully than Drivers. They are perceived as serious, industrious, persistent, and exacting.
Usually, they are task oriented, use facts and data, tend to speak slowly. lean back and use their hands frequently. They do not make direct eye contact and control their facial expressions. Others may see them as stuffy, indecisive, critical, picky and moralistic. They are comfortable in positions in which they can check facts and figures and be sure they are right. They have neat, well organised offices and in times of stress, Analyticals tend to avoid conflict.
The Expressive:
Expressives enjoy involvement, excitement, and interpersonal action. They are sociable, stimulating, enthusiastic and are good at involving and motivating others. They are also ideas oriented. have little concern for routine, are future oriented and usually they have a quick reaction time. They need to be accepted by others, tend to be spontaneous, outgoing, energetic, friendly and focused on people rather than on tasks. Typically, they use opinions and stories rather than facts and data. They speak and act quickly; vary vocal inflection, lean forward, point and make direct eye contact.
They use their hands when talking; have a relaxed body posture and an animated expression. Their feelings often show in their faces and they are perceived by others as excitable, impulsive, undisciplined, dramatic, manipulative, ambitious, overly reactive and egotistical. They usually have disorganised offices and may have leisure equipment like golf clubs or tennis racquets. Under stressful conditions, Expressives tend to resort to personal attack.
And Finally ? The Amiable:
Amiables need co-operation, personal security and acceptance. They are uncomfortable with and will avoid conflict at all costs. They value personal relationships, helping others and being liked. Some Amiables will sacrifice their own desires to win approval from others. They prefer to work with other people in a team effort, rather than individually and they have an unhurried reaction time and little concern with effecting change. Typically, they are friendly, supportive, respectful, willing, dependable and agreeable. They are also people-oriented.
They use opinions rather than facts and data, speak slowly and softly, use more vocal inflection than Drivers or Analyticals. They lean back while talking and do not make direct eye contact; they also have a casual posture and an animated expression. They are perceived by other styles as conforming, unsure, pliable, dependent and awkward. They have homely offices ? family photographs, plants etc. An Amiable?s reaction to stress is to comply with others.
Most people?s first reaction after reading the four profiles is to believe that they fit into more than one category and this is absolutely right. However, everyone has a dominant style and no-one should believe that they fit into more than two because they don?t. Let me explain why:
The Social Styles Model:
It is not possible to illustrate with a diagram here, so imagine two boxes on top of two other boxes or if you prefer, a window with four panes. In the top left is the Analytical, top right the Driver, directly below them in the bottom right hand corner is the Expressive. Finally, directly below the Analytical, sitting in the bottom left hand corner is the Amiable
Note where each style is placed, because this is important. The people, with whom you probably find it most difficult to relate to naturally, are your diagonal opposites on the matrix. So you do need to study the characteristics of your diagonally opposite Social Style.
Now, what I can share with you, is that the majority of professional salespeople are Expressives; so clearly, they are going to find it most difficult to relate to and communicate with, Analyticals. That is a challenge in itself, because there will always be at least one Analytical within the formal DMU!
What is even more interesting, is that Top 5% achievers (yes, a favourite term I know) are Drivers! So you see, they have no difficulty getting onto the same wavelength as Analyticals, because they are side by side and of course they have total synergy with other Drivers, plus, they relate well to Expressives. But, they have little in common with Amiables. Why is that so significant? Well, quite simply, the Social Style that you are least likely to find in a boardroom is??.. yes, it?s an Amiable.
So, which Social Style do the various residents of the boardroom typically have?
Managing Directors are typically Drivers, as you might expect.
Finance Directors are usually Analyticals
Sales Directors are nearly always Expressives
Marketing Directors are also Expressives
Technical Directors are almost always Analyticals
And Finally:In Sales
Level 3, Top 5% Achievers, are normally Drivers
Level 2, Sales Professionals, are typically Expressives
Level One, Emerging salesmen and women are almost always Amiables
It is of course dangerous to generalise and there will always be exceptions, however based on my experience, I have very rarely been mistaken using this concept of personality identification.
Copyright ? 2006 Jonathan Farrington. All rights reserved
@темы: My way
Personality Plus is the name of a book by Florence Littauer (ISBN 1-85424-509-0). This article summarises the profiles of the Personality Plus system, and relates them to some other well-known personality system.
Personality Plus talks about four key personality types. Any such system has to make generalisations, trying to find a balance between accurate portrayals and a usable number of types. The Personality Plus system allows for extensions by mixing profiles, such as describing someone as a Choleric Sanguine, rather than just Choleric or Sanguine.The system exists not simply to describe an individual's personality type, which perhaps the Myers-Briggs system does, but rather to highlight those aspects of personality which relate to interactions between people.
The 'Personality Plus' personality profiles
Choleric: This is the commander-type. Cholerics are dominant, strong, decisive, stubborn and even arrogant.
Melancholy: This is the mental-type. Their typical behaviour involves thinking, assessing, making lists, evaluating the positives and negatives, and general analysis of facts.
Sanguine: This is the social-type. They enjoy fun, socialising, chatting, telling stories - and are fond of promising the world, because that's the friendly thing to do.
Phlegmatic: This is the flat-type. They are easy going, laid back, nonchalant, unexcitable and relaxed. Desiring a peaceful environment above all else.
Positives and Negatives
None of these types is specifically described as positive or negative - each having upsides and downsides. The book makes it clear that the characteristics are for observing and identifying, rather than judging.
* A Choleric is focused on getting things done, but can run rough-shod over others. They are decisive and stubborn.
* A Melancholy is a planner, making sure things happen, although sometimes they can paralyse themselves with over-analysis. Lists and "doing things the right way" are characteristics of this personality type.
* A Sanguine gets on well with people and can get others excited about issues, but cannot always be relied upon to get things done. They love interacting with others and play the role of the entertainer in group interactions. They have a tendency to over-promise and under-deliver.
* A Phlegmatic is neutral - they tend not to actively upset people, but their indifference may frustrate people. They try not to make decisions, and generally go for the status quo. They care about people and harmony.
The Personality Plus system is less about identifying a person's profile, and more about the implications that may have for group interactions. As such, it is used in sales and negotiation training, and for understanding group dynamics in businessFact|date=August 2008.
* A Choleric might get frustrated by a Phlegmatic who doesn't seem to want to get things done now. This pairing however can work well, though, because Cholerics tend to tell people what to do, and Phlegmatics tend to do what they are told. This coupling often have relationships with each other - although interestingly this may introduce a downward spiral, where the Choleric becomes increasingly commanding, and the Phlegmatic becomes more indifferent through their interactions.
* Melancholies might make lists and work through them point by point, and get frustrated by Sanguines who tend to bounce from one idea to the next, often without completing the first.
"A simplification might be that a Choleric likes it "my way", a Melancholy likes it "the right way", a Sangine likes it "the fun way", and a Phlegmatic likes it "easy way"."
Personality Plus, like other profiling systems, is criticised for issues around a lack of statistical justification, use of generalisations, and confirmation bias. This is discussed in more detail here in relation to Myers-Briggs.
Comparing with other systems
The Myers-Briggs scale is another well-known system for generalising personalities. Personality Plus is more about how people relate than how they are in their own right. Nevertheless, it is instructive to compare the different scales.
* Introvert/Extrovert: Sanguines love socialising, and Cholerics have the confidence to interact socially. A Melancholy can be more of an intellectual, and thus somewhat anti-social (or perhaps just less social), and Phlegmatics just don't mind either way.
* Sensing/Intuition: Whereas a Melancholy seeks facts to come to conclusions, a Sanguine may go with what feels right, whereas a Choleric's decisions are based on their own opinion - without those opinions necessary being fact-driven, although they could of course be.
* Thinking/Feeling: This is about how people process the world around them, and the most obvious observations are that Melancholies like facts, whereas Sanguines have a leaning towards emotions.
* Judging/Perceiving: Whereas perceiving is all about simply making observations, whereas judging involves allocating value to the observations (right/wrong, good/bad, etc.). Since a Melancholy is about "the right" way, and Cholerics are about "my way", they tend to be more on the judgmental scale. Phlegmatics, being "easy way", are more about perceiving.
The profiles of the Merrill-Wilson system overlap closely with the Personality Plus system:
* Driver: Choleric
* Analytical: Melancholy
* Expressive: Sanguine
* Amiable: Phlegmatic