twinkle, twinkle, little star
Вот она:

Two Rivers ©
To R.R. with love

High in the mountains in a Lake of clear cold water there lived two Rivers. As the Lake was very small the Rivers were small too and they never ran away from their bed in the Lake. Once, it was autumn, a little Swallow flew to the Lake’s bank to drink some water. She was leaving for a long journey to the Sea where her winter castle was. The Rivers were running about in their pool enjoying the warm sun and pretending to shower the Swallow with their cold spray. The Swallow just laughed and escaped gracefully, she was very quick and was not at all against playing with them.

- Little Swallow, little Swallow, tell us about the country you are flying to? – Asked the Rivers. They were very small Rivers and they never ran away from their bed in the Lake so they knew very little of the world and yet were very curious. And it doesn’t happen often with those who know very little.

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14.04.2011 в 18:21

Шило в попе - мой внутренний стержень
Я ее переводила...помнишь?
14.04.2011 в 18:22

twinkle, twinkle, little star
i-key Не ее. Ты про две орхидеи переводила.
14.04.2011 в 18:27

Шило в попе - мой внутренний стержень
protest: Эту, эту!
14.04.2011 в 18:47

twinkle, twinkle, little star
i-key Значит попутала. Сколько воды-то утекло. -)

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