Born-again Trek by Julia Ecklar
I was with the Mid-West crowd who
Stood in line for blocks
I cheered on the Reliant’s end and
I shed a tear for Spock’s
And we talked for three days running
Of how Khan did push his luck
And I am saved, I am saved, I am saved
For the IDID’s still the way to (? вот тут непонятно) Spock
Still logical of course
And we’ve still got full main phasers
So tell me who needs the force?
And if (Buck) thinks that he is the one
With the veneer and class
You just tell him we’ve got Admiral Kirk
Who still has a gorgeous…
And I am born again, I am born again!
Proud of my ship and all the men within
And I know again Trek fandom has been born again
Thanks Genesis and Meyer and the fan!
So spread the word throughout the land
We’ve noted Spock’s not dead
And if they will not bring him back
We’ll make con-films instead
Dave and Saavik can go star
And Kirk can take behind
And even the bridge crew can come
‘Cause this time they’ve got lines
And we’re born again! We are born again!
Now it’s time to show those jedi where we stand!
Sixteen years it’s been but now Trek has been born again!
And I’m proud to be a born-again Trek fan!
Now it’s our solemn duty to see that everyone’s been saved
(If Surak, buddy, had it rough he ought to live the day) - а вот эта фраза какая-то вся странная, но мне кажется, я правильно слышу...
But, oh, Great Bird, please hear our prayer!
Guide our Trek on its course!
We’ll make the whole world follow Trek
And if we must – use spores!
Oh, born again! We are born again!
We’re proud of Starfleet’s finest just indeed!
And I know again my faith in Trek is born again!
The Final Frontier calls again to me!
And the legends will live on eternally!